
Twizted by zoraida Fonseca


His fingers danced a sensual dance across her body to the rhythm of her moans. He took it very slow with her, placing his dick inside of her treasure, he massaged her scalp tenderly with every stroke of his manhood. He wanted to remain in this time frame for as long as possible, so with every ten strokes, he would pull out and licked and sucked and kissed on her treasure. Being in the middle was such a dream come true to him. He had his eye on her all night and was waiting to see a boyfriend or husband. When he noticed that none were around, he made his move. The perfect plan has played out to his advantage.

He could no longer wait to take her to her private paradise. He turned her over and danced his dance to the back of her body the same as he did to the front. He totally relaxed every muscle in her body. She was held captive to the very scent let alone the touch of this man; she had to have him full time at the very command of her sexual needs.

He lay on top of her, entering from behind with a handful of her hair and grind her slow. He made her buck, and with that he held her hips in mid-air and forced her face to stay flat on the desk. He took her to new heights that she herself didn't know existed, she was in ecstasy and with every time she came, a single tear rolled down her face. Making love was the best thing to ever participate in, and she thought that all you needed was the perfect fuck.

While hitting her from behind, he pulled her hair allowing her head to come back to meet his chest. He wrapped her hair around in his hands and every time he thrust he would pull her hair. Holding her hair in one hand, he placed the palm of his other hand in her pelvic area and tickled her clit with the tip of his forefinger. Ivyon increased the sound of her moans. She wanted to scream his name but she didn't know it, so she just screamed out "DOCTOR" over and over again until he reached his climax.